Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • Nadia Bellalem

    • Member of the International Program Committee of ICEIS 2011 (http://www.iceis.org ).

    • Gestion des stages au département Informatique de l'IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, Univ. Nancy2

  • Samuel Cruz-Lara

    • Project leader of MLIF FDIS 24616 ISO TC37 / SC4 / WG3 Language Resources Management

    • Member of the SYnchronized Multimedia group (SYMM) of he World Wide Web Consortium

    • Co-editor of the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, Volume 4, Number 3. Theme: MPEG-V and Other Virtual Worlds Standards

    • Member of the scientific committee of IEEE RITA Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje

    • French coordinator for the Computer Science area of the MEXPROTEC program (France - Mexico)

    • Invited talk at 3D3C Worlds Meeting, March 2011, Shefayim Kibbutz, Israel

    • Invited talk at International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education, New Trends in Engineering Education Workshop September 2011, Guimarães, Portugal

  • Alexandre Denis

    • PC member for the 13th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG), Nancy, France.

  • Christine Fay-Varnier

    • Second Vice president of the Council of studies and university life at the INPL Nancy

    • Manager of the service for Information and Communication Technology for Education of Nancy University (NUTICE)

    • Representative of Nancy University in 6 of the French thematic virtual university (UNT : http://www.universites-numeriques.fr/fr )

    • Organizer of 7th Conference Information and Communication Tools for learning and training Nancy, December 6 - 8 2010 (http://www.tice2010.nancy-universite.fr )

    • NOOJ Software tutoring at the NOOJ seminar

    • Manager of computer science course, 1st and 2nd year in National School of Geology

  • Claire Gardent

    • Invited Talk at Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), June 2011, Montpellier (France)

    • Invited Tutorial at Knowledge Capture (K-CAP), June 2011, Banff (Canada).

    • Invited Seminar at the KRDB Research Center for Knowledge and Data, November 2011, Bolzano (Italy).

    • PC Chair for the 13th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG), Nancy, France.

    • Co-editor of the Computational and Mathematical section for the Language and Linguistics Compass journal

    • PC member The 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (ACL-HLT), Porland, Oregon.

    • PC member TextInfer 2011 Workshop on Textual Entailment, Ediburgh, Scotland.

    • PC member Production of Referring Expressions (PRe-CogSci), Boston, Massachusetts.

    • Member of the LORIA steering committee

    • Member of the Bureau de Formation Doctorale

    • Local organiser for NaTAL 2011

    • Local organiser for the 13th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG), Nancy, France.

    • Coordinator of the TALC theme (Computational Linguistics and Computational Approaches to Knowledge) for the MISN CPER (National and Regional Research Funding).

    • Organiser of the LORIA TALC seminar http://talc.loria.fr/NATAL-10-16-18-juin-2010-LORIA,178.html

    • Local organiser for the NaTAL 2011 workshop http://talc.loria.fr/Programme,251.html

  • Jean Charles Lamirel

    • Member of editorial board of the new international journal “COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management”, Taru Publications, New Delhi, India

    • Member of the Algerian-French Doctoral School in Linguistics and Didactics (EDAF)

    • Permanent member of the COLLNET scientific network

    • Scientific supervisor in the framework of the QUAERO project for the intelligent patents management subtask

    • Program chair of the 12th COLLNET meeting (Global interdisciplinary research network “Col”laboration in Science and in Technology)

    • Member of the Program committee for the Twenty-fourth International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2011)

    • Member of the Program committee for the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2011)

    • Co-organizer of the Workshop “Clustering incrémental et méthodes de détection de nouveauté et leur application à l'analyse intelligente d’information évoluant au cours du temps”, organisé à la 12ème conférence francophone "Extraction et Gestion de Connaissances" (EGC 2012), Bordeaux, France, January 2012

    • Organizer of Special Session on Incremental clustering and novelty detection techniques and their application to intelligent analysis of time varying information in the framework of IEA/IAE International Conference, Syracuse, NY, USA, June 2011

  • Lina-Maria Rojas Barahona

    • Member of The Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems (YRRSDS), Organizing Committee. Portland Oregon 2011. http://www.yrrsds.org/